Friday, December 19, 2008

you know you live in a small town when....

When you go to the POST OFFICE 5 days before Christmas and there is NO ONE in line! I mean WHAT??? I was honestly in shock and thought the entire outside world had come crashing down. When I asked where everybody was while peeling my jaw off the floor, they said it was so dead at the moment because it was still early, and it's raining. Raining? So, what do people think, they are going to melt? Oh honestly. This is pretty funny to me, especially when I think about standing at the VP post office on any given day, much less around Christmas and there is a line out the door. Typical wait time is no less than 20 minutes. I can remember putting Christmas cards in the VP mail box and you could literally take your hand and grab people's mail out of the giant blue mail box because it was that stuffed! Man, where am I and how did I get here again??

For this I will giggle and leave it at that! This is a perk of living in a small town.

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