Monday, December 15, 2008

Spotlight On...

My Mom.

I did not forget about you today. I'm typing my thoughts out now, as I finally have a quiet moment after a bustling day that was supposed to be a little less busy. One child proves to be much more work than three....

Happy 53rd Birthday Mom! I'm saying how old you are, because you are so NOT old!! For a mother of a 32 year old and grandmother to 3, you are one hot diamond girl! So then, on your birthday - 3 things in your honour.

  1. You are hands down the Queen of surprises! NOBODY pulls off a surprise like you do. You have an uncanny knack for gathering details to perfectly execute your plan and that includes getting the right people to do the right things at the right times. Everybody who knows you, loves this quality of yours. When it comes to balloon serenades at work, or planning a 21st birthday in Las Vegas (thank you again) you get the gold! I love the excitement in your eyes when you have the most delicious idea, and you decide to share it with me. Your ambition and drive are contagious.
  2. I'm not sure you realize the extent of the legacy you have helped to carry out when you embrace tradition. I will always appreciate you carrying on a birthday party for baby Jesus every Christmas, even when we got older, or wish candles on the Christmas plates. These are nice things that add to the character of a family - and ones that I hold dear and carry on with my kids.
  3. You have eyes that sparkle. Thanks for sharing them with me! Let those eyes truly be the windows of your soul and let the great qualities of your soul show to those around you! I love how you wish for snow on your birthday each year. I don't know what it's doing in VP at this moment, but after a nearly 60 degree day yesterday, it looks like a snow globe here, right now. As I was driving home tonight from a Christmas party with my mom's group... toasty warm car, cheery Christmas carols playing, my 4-wheel drive secured while slick, deserted roads surround me, it was almost like, despite the 400 miles between us, you were right there in the car with me enjoying the scenery on your birthday - a winter wonderland, just the way you like and always wish for!

I love you!


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